星期四, 七月 26, 2007

Appeal to bloggers of documentation for Ubuntu

I've seen a growth in the amount of people blogging about how to do particular tasks on Ubuntu. The material is excellent, but isn't available to users who are searching the official Ubuntu documentation.

This post is to encourage those people to contribute directly to the documentation website. Doing so has huge advantages, both for end users (who get to have all their questions answered in one place, which they know they can trust), and for the documenters themselves (who get to work together, and become massively more efficient as a result).

Collaboration is what makes free software ultimately a better model for quality than proprietary software, and free documentation can benefit from the same principle. But it needs people to work together. I'd encourage all those who post documentation to their blog to read this document, which sets out (on behalf of the Ubuntu Documentation Team) the reasons why collaboration is so powerful:

If anyone wants to discuss the issues around this, please contact me or the documentation team.

gao stone
ubuntu, humanity to others!
Say  "Yes" to OPEN SOURCE!
