星期三, 二月 20, 2008

8.10可能叫 Intrepid Ibex !!

While I haven't seen an official annoucement concerning the name of
Ubuntu 8.10, I did recently receive my nomination to be included as
part of UDS-Intrepid, the next Ubuntu Developer Summit in Prague Czech
Republic. As I can't attend due to family reasons, I noticed the link
for the next summit is up already.

See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Intrepid and also the Launchpad Spec page.

It appears the next Ubuntu, is the Intrepid Ibex. Congrats team on
the new release name

――�Updated ―-

For some reason I didn't get the email Mark sent out, it was linked in
the comments and also sent out a part of JOno's blog post.

Anwways it looks like the key focus this time around will be
connecting to the internet and staying online no matter where you are

gao stone
ubuntu, humanity to others!
Say "Yes" to OPEN SOURCE!
