自从升级到了7.04后,我的ubuntu 最是上不了beryl. 一开绐是因为官方的nvidia driver太新,不支持我的破显卡。后来只好装了nvidia-legacy,使用是正常了。
5-31日更新内核后,我又想用这个beryl 了。参考网上的文章,正常安装了驱动相应模块,使glx也成功了。运行glxgears 可以看到齿轮转动了。(此时正常,以后乱摸索了半天都没方向,略去。)
晚上找到了官方的一个频道,#ubuntu-effects 在里面的一个大师 crdlb 三言两语就搞定了。请看:在看了我的xorg.conf文档 后他说:
stone-unix, you have two choices, neither are really great
1) use Xgl
2) use copy rendering+ AllowGLXWithComposite
I guess option 2 is simplest
crdlb: ok, i am notetaking, please shoot
let me find the exact option you need in your xorg.conf
crdlb: wait for me to paste it
crdlb: http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/2266
crdlb: please help me by reading my xorg.conf
stone-unix, you need two things: 1) change Option "Composite" from "false" to "true"
2) in Section "Device" add: Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"
crdlb: ok, i will do it
looks ok
now restart X
crdlb: i see. wait